Tuesday 27 October 2015

CSNS Digi Awards - digital photographs category

Congratulations to Isaiah whose digital photo received Highly Commended at the CSNS Digi Awards at Assembly! Well done to everyone in Team 18 for your hard work and keen eyes! 

We will let the stories about our digital photos and the photos themselves explain it all! 

Isaiah - Afternoon Autumn 

Wow my photo looks awesome! I like my photo because I didn’t just take it downwards I took an angle I also my photos because it has a background my background is autumn leaves

Don't forget to press 'read more' to see more photos and stories!

Edward - Amazing Garden

Wow this will be a great photo I hope I win the digi CSNS award anyway what is the prize I hope it's going to be good. My digital photos are flowers a tree and the big stones look like dinosaur bones and at the very back of the photo there is like two secret doors and it's kind of like a big big background but it isnt theres trees you and a little branches all around the branches mean it look like a big crazy forest and at the front there is a big enormous gate and i think the gate has nearly 100 gaps in it. It looks like a big great enormous garden private and is very decorated with 100s of flowers everywhere that's why I picked it up I think it is going to win!

Peyton - Beautiful View

My photo I took really stand out I really love my photo. Me and Arham and his buddy really took photos that stand out together. Our photos I took was called beautiful view because the view of the top really standed out. We thought Arham and me took really good photos we think. I really like the name Beautiful View. Got to go by.     From Peyton

Shian - Dark Classroom

I like my photo because it is in the light and the dark. It also has a lot of curves. I think I worked with Praneeth. We took lots of different pictures it was fun. I think my photo looks good! My photo was called The Dark Classroom because it is dark and in the classroom.

Sophie Humphries - Down the Slide

In June we took some digital photos with Rooms 6 and 7. Mine was of the senior playground slide because I like to go down it. The one that I took is called Down the Slide. I didn’t take it from the front - down under. I was with Emma and Isaiah. I thought it looked good because of the angle it was on. I would like to go down it!

Rossen - Dragon Bones

Wow that photo looks good in term 2 we went to room 6 and 7. They taught us how to take a photo in lots of different ways it was fun because we could do it where ever we like mine was called The Dragon Bones it was colourful because on two sides it was light and in the middle. I was thinking that it wasn’t raining if it was raining we wouldn’t do the math run.

Phillip - Field From Below

I took a photo on the field I took the house and the trees. It was a beautiful view I loved it. It was long though I could not walk I was tired of working I nearly fainted on my face.  It was awesome because it had some of my favourite colours, one is green.

Mahin - Green Plants

In term two Room 18 went to rooms six and seven to learn about digital photos and take them. Miss Sturgess got to choose which group we should go with I went with Jack, Hamish and Corlen. The people from Room 18 were Phillip, NIkhil and me. After that we learned about digital photos I learnt that whatever taking the photo you should take it at the sides. Then we had to go outside to take our photos. When I was taking my photos I thought that my picture isn’t going to get that many points and my feelings are nervous and a little bit sad. I named my photo Green Plants because I couldn’t think of a name and Miss Sturgess said I could call it just  Plants but I called it Green Plants. I really hope it goes through to the Digi Awards!

Jen - Leaf Mirror

“Click click” Look at my photo I took on the camera. Guess where I took my photo? On the Junior Playground in Term 2. There are leaves and bark that are shining on the slide. It’s cool aye?  
From Jen

Arham - Long Grass

In term 2 we took digital photos with room 6 and 7. I took a photo of grass. I took a photo pf grass because when we go close to it, it will be long and thin. When I go close to it it is a bit dark and ...black at the bottom  of the grass. It is called Long Grass. I wish I could win the CSNS digi awards!  

Zi Xian - New Zealand Tree

In term 2 we went to rooms 6 and 7. They told us all about digital photos and me and Edward were buddies. We went in the native bush to take our photos if the weather is raining it will be scary. The name is New Zealand Tree because someone might get the bark off or it just grew like that. I want to win! I wish I go to the Manawatu Digi Awards.

Felix - Silvery Surface

Oh silver surface looks good. We went to the turf to take photos. I took a photo of a road. Also we took them in July. It was so fun when we did it. I was thinking about taking a photo of a slide or a road . I did it with Jen. It was funny when I took a photo and it came out smudgy. It was not raining on the day we did it. Instead it was a beautiful day. Mum and dad I hope you like my story.

Emma - Spiky Bush

I think that will be a good photo to enter into the digi awards! My photo is called Spiky Bush I chose it because I think they will like all the little golden bits that glow in the dark. Sometimes I pretend that I am climbing up. You know that long stripe that is yellow and in front of the leaf. When I look at it, it makes me feel tiny because of how thin and tall and tiny it was. I felt like a little ant. Buff buff boffy buff bishy goes the rustle in the flax. Also I think that the brown leaf goes nice with all the types of green.

Praneeth - The Big Goal

I take a photo of a basketball courts and I feel happy when i feel happy I like to do the dords.

Natalia - The Green Bush Plant

On July in term two room six and seven did some digital awards taking some photos. I took a photo of leaves so that we can see what leaves have been eaten by bugs. They can be big or small or long different kinds of shapes the bugs that can eat leaves are lady bugs, butterflies, caterpillars and fireflies. What a lot of bugs!

Thomas - The Round Ring

Wow! That photo looks good. When it was term 2 room 18 took some photos with room 6 and 7. Everybody in my class took them. First you have to think before you take the photo. My photo was the tunnel. The photo was called… The Round Ring. I was thinking about going on the top of the tunnel and look down. Do you want to know why I chose it. because it looked like a round ring and I hope it gets through.

Sophie Hyland - Viney Tree

In term two we took a couple of photos with room seven and eighteen. When I took the photo I felt like I was doing feall torfe because I was taking a photo of someone's hand it looked like a slide but it wasn't really we did it in the native bush. When the big rigs help us to know not to do it in the shadow too much one of our photos was half in the shadows and half in the sun.

In term 2 we took our digi photos. I took a picture of the basketball court with the trees. When i took my first one I took it because it had a little line of sun in it and it really stands out. Me and Shian were buddies. Shian decided to take a picture of the deck but we worked it out and took a different picture out the window and it popped out.

Honour - Coloured Jelly Beans
On term 2 we took a digital photo. I named my one Coloured Jelly Beans. They are not real beans they are fake we use them for our maths. It is not real beans because real beans are small but the fake beans are coloured and big on the photo. I hope I win the digital photo competition!

Nikhil - Kitty Cat
Wow it is almost CSNS Digi Awards! I don't know who will win the Digi awards. I want to call my picture The Kitty Cat gando. I want my picture to win the CSNS Digi awards competition.

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