Friday 3 July 2015

Expression Unit

As part of our expression unit in Term 2 we looked at different ways that stories can be expressed. We then looked at the story 'The Ugly Duckling' and decided to express this story through art.  Long ago, before there were pens, paint and paper, people drew on caves as a way to share their stories. So we used this as inspiration to create our own cave art about this story. 

First we came up with four main events in the story and symbols for each character we would need to represent in our art.

To make our background look like a cave, we scrunched a large piece of paper into a little ball then carefully unfolded it again. We did this twice then went over it with a crayon on its side.

We also had to plan how we would layout the four events on our final background. Planning was very important for this piece of art! 

 Dye or paint was used to create the cave wall background and then our story was added.

Then finally we added a pattern border using black and white paint. Our completed cave art will be hanging in our refurbished classroom for you to see when we get back into it. 


  1. Wow! Your Artwork looks stunning! You have put so much effort into creating such fabulous pieces of Art. You should feel very proud!

  2. Such interesting art. Great job!

  3. Looks like lots of fun and a great learning experience. Wonderful artworks! (From Rhiannon's mum)

  4. Cool work - it really looks like cave art (from Isaiah's mum)
