Sunday 23 August 2015

Calendar Art

Here are Team 18's fabulous calendar art, which will be available to purchase soon as calendars, diaries or packs of cards, supporting our wonderful PTA.

Monday 17 August 2015

Cross Country

Last Thursday was the Junior Syndicate cross country. Everyone who ran tried their very best and had progressed so much during their training. We are very proud of each other! Congratulations to Felix who came third in the year two boys race and Sophie Hyland who came fourth in the girls race. Special thanks to all the supporters who came to cheer us on including family and Senior Syndicate kids. 

Check out some photos here!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Space wins the trophy!

We are awesome because in Syndicate Singing we sat up nicely and did all the actions beautifully and this won us the trophy for a second time this term! - Emma and Team 18

Space loves getting this trophy because we feel really proud of ourselves. We won it again because we did the same things. - Isaiah 

We were really quiet between the songs and that's why we won it. - Rossen

Team 18 will take care of the trophy so we can share it around next time. - Peyton and Jen

Monday 10 August 2015

The Hen and Sly Fox

This week (week 4) we are reading The Hen and Sly Fox for shared reading. Today we compared this story to one we had looked at in Term 2 called The Three Little Pigs and used a venn diagram to think about what things are similar in the two stories and what things are different. 

Can you think of two other stories that have things the same or similar in them?

Monday 3 August 2015

Boss for a Week - Shared Reading

During Week 2 we looked at the story Boss for a Week.  Caroline got to be in charge at her house for one whole week and made all sorts of rules for her family!  What would you do if you got to be the Boss at your house for a day? 

We thought about how we related to this story.... 

  • How it made us feel?
  • Did it make us think about another story we know that has a similar situation or character? 
  • What it made us think about after reading it.